Plant sales at the Berea College Horticulture Farm have become increasingly popular. Members of the community, and others in the surrounding region, rely on the spring and fall plant sales for backyard gardening, seasonal gifts and landscaping. Selections at the sales include cole crops, herbs, lettuces, peppers, up to 100 varieties of tomatoes, various flowering plants, and banana and fig trees. Plants sold at the sale are primarily started from seed or propagated from mother plants raised in the greenhouse.
Spring plant sales are typically held on Saturdays starting in March and lasting through May. They take place in the glass greenhouse on the Farm. Students play a vital role and improve customer service skills by helping customers choose and carry plants and sometimes running sales. Traditionally, students have also led marketing efforts for sales through social media, flyers and emails. Student managers may help plan the propagation schedule and select crops and varieties.
A Succ-cessful Student Project
In 2017, a student working at the Berea College Horticulture Farm took on a project to expand the production of succulents on the Farm. A variety of mother plants are kept in the greenhouse to support this enterprise. During Fall plant sales, students, faculty and staff can purchase succulents on campus. These sales have previously taken place on campus in the Dining Hall or CPO and usually occur once or twice a month during the Fall semester. In addition to succulents, customers can purchase herbs and some perennial plants, such as rosemary.